Transformer Oil Testing

Transformer Oil Testing

Transformer Oil Testing - Basic & Advance

PEAS-Basic Electrical and PEAS-Advance Electrical

Protect Your System Reliability and Your Costly Assets:

Preventing transformer failure is vital to the safe and reliable operation of any electrical network. Transformer breakdowns usually cause power outages and interruptions. To compound the damage, unforeseen repair and maintenance costs are incurred, and new unexpected equipment investment is required.

esting the condition and quality of transformer insulating oil provides data showing the actual condition of the transformer, and its remaining lifetime. Information from oil analysis can help anticipate potential failures, and guide precisely targeted maintenance and replacement plans.

Transformer oil testing is a proven loss prevention technique that should be a part of any condition based predictive maintenance program. Essentially an early warning system, transformer oil testing allows management to identify maintenance priorities, plan work assignment schedules, and order necessary parts and materials.

A transformer’s fluid serves as a heat transfer medium, and is an integral part of a transformer’s insulation system. It is best practice to periodically perform tests on the transformer oil to determine if it is still capable of fulfilling its role as an insulating media.

Petrolabs PEAS-Electrical package program helps transformers run smoothly and reliably.

We provide transformer oil and insulating oil analysis and testing services across India.

PEAS – Electrical monitors the condition and change in transformer oil quality, helping to identify potential transformer oil related failures before they occur, reduce disruptions, and keep unscheduled maintenance to a minimum.

We test for transformer oil purity, quality, and chemical composition. Transformer oil test methods include ASTM, IS, and other recognized transformer oil analysis testing procedures. Routine testing of transformer oils and insulating oils on a regular schedule is an accepted industry practice.

Guidelines for testing transformers in operation at least 5 years.

  • Physical tests are suggested twice a year
  • Dissolved Gas Analysis once a year
  • Furan testing every 2 years

Routine testing of transformer insulating oil is an essential maintenance function that ensures a safe working environment and helps eliminate the possibility of disrupted production resulting from a transformer failure or explosion. Analysis of the concentration of various gases contained in insulating oils and monitoring of the oil’s physical properties will tell you much about the operating condition of your power transformers.

By showing the effects of the transformer’s operation on the insulating oil, these analyses confirm the serviceability and condition of the oil in use and allow better scheduling of transformer maintenance to avoid unplanned outages. Analysis of the concentration of various gases within transformer insulating oil and the monitoring of physical properties will indicate the condition of your power transformers.

Petrolab offers both PEAS - Basic Electrical & PEAS - Advance Electrical packages.

  • Accredited testing and fast turnaround times
  • A full suite of transformer fluid analysis services
  • Online access to your test reports using PEASXpress
  • A single point of contact for all our testing and expert consultancy services