System checks & Upgrades
System checks & upgrades
Already have bypass filtration equipped on your machines from Triple R or another brand but somehow the desired cleanliness level is not reached?
Let us perform a system check where we check the performance of your current filtration setup and file a report.
In this report, the following can be found:
- Is the current filtration capacity enough for your application, using in depth analysis reports
- Any damages to the filtration equipment that could decrease its performance, like pumps, motors, filter elements, gaskets
- Is the element change interval correct
After the report, and if needed, Triple R Oil Cleaner | TRIS B.V. can perform the repairs and get the filtration equipment in the correct working order. Or, when needed, we can perform an upgrade to your current equipment to match today’s standards, which is usually the case when the current equipment is in good, working order yet the desired cleanliness level cannot be reached.
Even if it is not a Triple R system, we can raise the filtration capacity by adding a Triple R filtration system to the current. In case you’d like to completely switch to Triple R equipment we’ll take care of removing the old system and integrate the Triple R system with the correct filtration capacity.