High Velocity Flushing
High Velocity Flushing
High Velocity Flushing by Petrolabs begins by preparing the system for a high velocity flush. We remove all restrictions to flow (using an external flush pump and filter). The oil is then flushed through the lube oil system at approximately 8 times its normal flow rate. Pushing the oil at this high speed removes scale build up and particulate matter from the piping and flushes it back to the main oil reservoir where we then filter. Thermal shocks to the system will greatly enhance the cleaning process. The high velocity flush is for the purpose of cleaning the system. Clean oil is simply a by-product of that process that eliminates the need to replace the old turbine oil or the disposal of that oil there by saving thousands of dollars plus the peace of mind in knowing that you have a cleaner system and clean oil that meets OEM cleanliness specs.
Petrolabs follows the industry best practice for adhering to OEM oil system cleanliness specifications. We use auxiliary pumps and jumpers to by-pass integral components of a lubricating system. This process rapidly removes contaminants from your machine’s fluid systems.
High Velocity Flushing Process Features:
- Removes particulates, dirt and other debris from your operating systems
- We provide filtration of all fluid types